Metamorfozy pacjentów



We have never seen such discipline in following recommendations before.

We can only envy Mr. Bartosz for his consistency in action. He adhered to postoperative recommendations like a soldier. He modestly sums up his current appearance: "I will finally be able to smile normally." During the treatment, we got used to his unassuming yet kind nature, but we know that he is very satisfied with the results.

Mr. Bartosz came to us with an aesthetic problem that had always been a source of complexes, but also with a functional issue that caused tooth pain and chronic muscle tension. First, we planned deprogramming to establish the central relationship and dental physiotherapy treatments, which brought relief to our patient.

The treatment then included the DSD project, based on which we restored missing teeth with prosthetic bridges and repaired worn surfaces with composite restoration using the Flow Injection protocol according to Luxdentica.



Preparatory Treatment

Flow Inection

Aesthetic Dentistry

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